We're getting married in Charleston, WV!
For more information, visit Charleston's website.

By Car:

 For more accurate directions, please follow this link to enter your starting address for driving directions to Charleston, WV.

By Train:

Amtrak has routes to Charleston, WV. 

When searching for train routes, please use the code CHW for Charleston, WV.  Some round trip routes vary.  When searching for the best routes, be sure to search for round trip tickets, as well as one way tickets to Charleston, WV for the day you want to arrive and one way tickets back to your hometown from Charleston.

By Air:

The airport serving the Charleston, WV area is Charles E. Yeager Airport. 

When searching for flights, please use the following airport codes:

CRW for Yeager Airport

For more information, visit Yeager Airport's website for flight schedules, car rentals, and directions.